Filter tube, Vacuum Ring Blower, Timing Preventive maintenanceAbstract
This research was motivated by discovering several parameters that showed abnormalities in the machine's working behavior: Vacuum Ring Blower VFZ401AN. There is a decrease in wind suction speed caused by the large dust or particles in the filter tube. This research examines the timing of preventive maintenance on the Filter Tube Vacuum Ring Blower VFZ401AN with a quantitative measurement scale. This research was carried out by analyzing the best time to carry out preventive maintenance, where using this technique is expected to minimize machine failures, which hamper production activities and extend the lifetime of machines, which can reduce maintenance costs. Based on the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of the machines in the companies observed, the minimum suction speed on the VFZ401AN vacuum ring blower machine is 18.00 m/s. Therefore, the best practical and efficient time to carry out preventive maintenance is on the 12th day with a wind suction speed of 18.06 m/s and with a maximum total cumulative dust of 7.766 grams.
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