
  • Andi Supriadi Chan Politeknik Negeri Medan
  • Abdullah Zaky Saifurrahman Politeknik Negeri Medan
  • Rezha Destiadi Politeknik Negeri Medan


Virtual Reality, Virtual Tour, Internet, Auto-stitching


Users often experience decreased image quality when accessing the virtual tour on their respective websites. This is mostly caused by slow and unstable internet connections. In general, users require a high-speed, stable internet connection to enjoy high-resolution images during virtual tours, which limits access for individuals in rural areas or those with lower-quality networks. This research it aims to find a solution that allows users to enjoy high-quality images without dependence on high-speed network conditions. By exploring alternative methods of image delivery and optimization, this research seeks to ensure that all users, regardless of internet quality, can access virtual tours with high-resolution images. The results of this research provide results that the virtual tour system can be run on a stable network connection, namely on a network above 5 Mbps if you want to get a fast usage time of the virtual tour system, and the implementation of the auto-stitching method has also had a positive effect on the development of the tour system. The virtual machine that is built will produce a system that has high image resolution, color accuracy and correct image color contrast, neatness of the image in the sewing process, and good image quality.


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How to Cite

Andi Supriadi Chan, Abdullah Zaky Saifurrahman, & Rezha Destiadi. (2024). IMPLEMENTASI VIRTUAL TOUR TERHADAP PENGENALAN GEDUNG PERKULIAHAN DENGAN METODE AUTO-STITCHING. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 10(1), 86 - 93. Retrieved from