Blower, Lagrange, Interpolation, Pipe, PressureAbstract
In the food industry, a suitable storage method is needed to last longer. One is creating a storage room condition to be a cold temperature. The cooling process using AC (Air Conditioner) can be assisted by using a blower. Blowers are often used to ensure good air circulation and optimal air quality in a storage room. Therefore, this study through simulation data in the Lagrange Interpolation method. From the Lagrange Interpolation method, more information can be obtained on the length of the straight-line pipe that can affect changes in air pressure and air temperature. Therefore, it can be applied to many types of food ingredients that have storage criteria with different air pressure and air temperature conditions. The results of the study showed a linear change between the length of the straight-line pipe and the air pressure, especially at pipe lengths of 21.03 m to 42.57 m. This is because the length of the straight-line pipe can affect the increase in air pressure in the pipe.
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