bacterial inoculation, cow dung, organic compounds, tofu liquid waste, waste treatmentAbstract
This study aims to determine the ability of bacterial inoculation from cow dung in reducing organic compounds in liquid tofu waste. Bacterial inoculation was carried out by varying the mass of cow dung by 25 gr, 50 gr, and 75 gr in an aerobic bioreactor. The process of inoculation of cow dung bacteria in liquid tofu waste lasted for 3 weeks. The results of the analysis showed that the higher the mass of cow dung inoculation and the longer the residence time of liquid tofu waste in the aerobic bioreactor, the higher the decrease in TSS, TDS, and COD levels and will cause a decrease in the acidity level of liquid tofu waste. Bacterial inoculation from cow dung was able to optimally reduce TDS levels of 4221 ppm, TSS 117.33 ppm, COD 111.05 ppm and pH 5.3 in liquid tofu waste.
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