Problem Based Learning, Attitudes, SkillsAbstract
This research has significant relevance for preparing graduates to face changing times and the increasingly dynamic demands of the world of work. The research uses a mixed methods approach. The application of learning using a project based learning model approach has five stages/steps, namely exploration and empathy for issues/problems; formulate the root causes of the selected issues; explore and formulate alternative solutions to the selected issue; create intervention plans for selected issues and implement interventions in the community. The research results obtained are a summary of the R Square correlation model simultaneously (together) between the variables Attitude (X1), Skills (X2), towards the Application of the PBL Model (Y) which contributed 74%. And in the Anova (F) test table, comparing Fcount and Ftable, the results are: Fcount = 130.070> Ftable = 3.10 so that Ho is rejected, so the decision to apply the PBL model is influenced by students' attitudes and skills. Furthermore, in the Coefficient (T) test, the Attitude variable Tcount = 6.047> Ttable = 1.663 so that Ho is rejected and the Skill variable Tcount = 5.204> Ttable = 1.663, so the decision is that there is a significant influence between Attitude and Skills in implementing the PBL Model.
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