Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) <p><a href=""><strong><em>ALL CORRESPONDENCE IS VIA SENTRINOV WEBSITE</em></strong></a></p> <p><strong><em>Indonesian Society of Applied Science </em>(ISAS)</strong> sebagai perkumpulan Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri se-Indonesia yang berbadan hukum dari Keputusan Menteri dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia <strong>Nomor AHU-0011316.AH.01.07.Tahun 2019</strong> pada tanggal 8 November 2019. ISAS juga merupakan suatu organisasi dari perlindungan Forum Direktur Politeknik Negeri se-Indonesia (FDPNI) yang bergerak dalam bidang Forum Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Publikasi Ilmiah baik itu melalui Seminar/Konferensi Nasional dan Internasional serta Jurnal Ilmiah, juga terkait Kerjasama dan Peningkatan Pencitraan Politeknik/Vokasional di Indonesia. ISAS mempunyai visi dan misi untuk bersinergi dan menyatukan potensi agar semua program bidang penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat Politeknik dapat berjalan lancar, efektif, efisien dengan luaran yang berkualitas sesuai dengan tuntutan Kementerian Ristek-BRIN, di antaranya adalah dalam penyelenggaraan “Seminar Nasional Bersama”.</p> <p>Seminar Nasional Bersama tersebut bernama <strong>Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV)</strong> yang merupakan suatu agenda pertemuan ilmiah tahunan yang diselenggarakan setiap Bulan September secara bergantian oleh Politeknik Negeri Se-Indonesia dibawah naungan <strong>ISAS (Indonesian Society of Applied Science)</strong>.</p> <p>Luaran dari kegiatan SENTRINOV adalah prosiding seminar dengan memiliki E-ISSN : 2621-9794; P-ISSN : 2477-2097 yang terindeks Google Scholar dan <em>selected paper</em> akan dipublikasikan pada Jurnal-Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi SINTA yang dikelola oleh PARA PIHAK KONSORSIUM.</p> <p>Prosiding SENTRINOV dibagi menjadi 3 edisi yang disesuaikan dengan Bidang, antara lain:</p> <p>a. Bidang Engineering and Science</p> <p>b. Bidang Social and Humanities</p> <p>c. Bidang Community Service</p> <p>Ruang lingkup bidang dalam kegiatan seminar nasional antara lain:</p> <ol> <li><strong> Bidang Teknik dan Sains Terapan :</strong></li> </ol> <ul> <li>Manufaktur</li> <li>Mesin</li> <li>Energi</li> <li>Listrik</li> <li>Elektronika</li> <li>Material dan Perancangan</li> <li>Sipil dan Arsitektur</li> <li>Lingkungan dan Tata Kota</li> <li>Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi</li> <li>Teknologi Pertanian dan Pangan</li> <li>Maritim</li> <li>Teknik Pertambangan</li> <li>Sains</li> </ul> <ol start="2"> <li><strong> Bidang Sosial, Ekonomi dan Humaniora Terapan :</strong></li> </ol> <ul> <li>Pariwisata Berkelanjutan</li> <li>Manajemen dan Bisnis</li> <li>Akuntansi</li> <li>Keuangan dan Perbankan</li> <li>Ekonomi Syariah</li> <li>Kajian HAM dan Gender</li> <li>Ekonomi Kreatif dan Kewirausahaan</li> <li>Bahasa dan Budaya</li> <li>Pendidikan</li> <li>Hukum</li> </ul> <ol start="3"> <li><strong> Bidang Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat</strong></li> </ol> <p> </p> <p><strong>Peserta seminar diantaranya :</strong></p> <ol> <li>Pemenang Hibah Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Ristek/BRIN</li> <li>Civitas Akademika Politeknik Negeri dan Swasta se-Indonesia</li> <li>Civitas Akademika dari berbagai Universitas Negeri dan Swasta se-Indonesia</li> <li>Lembaga Litbang Pemerintah, Asosiasi Profesi/Praktisi Industri.</li> </ol> <p>Oleh karena itu, <strong>Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) </strong>ini merupakan suatu wadah pemikiran teknologi dan inovasi dari hasil penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat para Dosen/ Peneliti/ Pakar Ahli/ Praktisi Industri/ Pranata Laboratorium Pendidikan melalui artikel ilmiah dalam bentuk publikasi <em>manuskrip</em> dan sebagai media <em>track record</em> perkembangan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bersifat multidisiplin ilmu dan kolaboratif.</p> Indonesian Society of Applied Science (ISAS) en-US Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2477-2097 PENGARUH FUND SIZE, FUND AGE, DAN EXPENSE RATIO TERHADAP KINERJA REKSA DANA SAHAM <p style="font-weight: 400;">The increasing number of investors in the capital market indicates that mutual funds are the most sought-after investment instruments. However, investors often lack knowledge about the information they should seek before making mutual fund purchases. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the impact of variables such as fund size, fund age, and expense ratio on the performance of equity mutual funds. This information can be easily obtained from prospectuses and fund fact sheets published by Investment Managers. The method employed is a correlational meta-analysis using statistical analysis programs like JASP and OpenMEE. The study population consists of scholarly publications, including research journals, theses, and articles related to keywords such as fund size, fund age, expense ratio, and equity mutual fund performance on Google Scholar from 2013 to 2023. The research findings indicate that only fund size significantly influences equity mutual fund performance, while fund age and expense ratio do not have a significant impact.</p> Vany Meilani Ali Masjono Muchtar Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 1 8 FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE: MODEL STRATEGI SPEAKING FOR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE <p style="font-weight: 400;">At present, international conferences serve as a highly effective means to stay updated on the most recent advancements in the scientific domain and engage in collaborative efforts with foreign experts. An issue that requires addressed is the absence of English language training facilities for lecturers at Ambon State Polytechnic. Hence, it is imperative to enhance the English language proficiency of instructors at Ambon State Polytechnic through the implementation of impactful English language training initiatives to train lecturer’s public speaking skill in participating international conference. This study utilizes an R&amp;D (Research and Development) research design based on the methodologies proposed by Sukmadinata (2015) and Klein (2005), resulting in the creation of a product that has undergone the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) process. This study is a continuation of the preliminary observation and interview phases conducted for the necessary SFIC. The findings of this study reveal diverse perspectives from 30 participants regarding the significance of several metrics in presentations for international conferences. Furthermore, the findings of this research analysis offer valuable understanding regarding the relative significance of different subjects in the context of presentations at international conferences.</p> Juvrianto Chrissunday Jakob Ahmad Nusi Meyke Marantika Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 9 16 EVALUASI PENERAPAN AKUNTANSI PADA UMKM TENUN IKAT MAWAR NEGERI TAWIRI KOTA AMBON <div><span lang="EN-US">This research aims to apply the application of accounting to MSMEs. This research is qualitative research using the case study method with data collection carried out through in-depth interviews, direct observation and documentation. The results of this research show that MSMEs do not know accounting and have not implemented accounting records in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards (SAK) and their financial reports are still manual and simple. These MSMEs do not yet have a financial report recording system that is in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards (SAK). This research needs to be evaluated so that it can increase the development of business financial conditions, among other things, through the implementation of financial report evaluations based on SAK EMKM for micro, small and medium enterprises. The obstacles faced by MSMEs are the lack of knowledge of recording financial reports and the perception of the difficulty of making financial reports in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards (SAK).</span></div> Hasmawati Septina Louisa Siahaya Chrestiana Aponno Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 17 24 KAJIAN POTENSI DAN STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN KECAMATAN TELUK AMBON <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to explore, investigate and analyze the potential and development strategies of the Ambon Bay region. The research location was Teluk Ambon District, using observation, interview and FGD techniques. The research results show that empowering MSMEs has great potential in Ambon Bay. Strategic steps include: (1) Information and Education; (2) Technical Assistance in production, technology and innovation; (3) Financial Management Guidance; (4) Access to Financing; (5) Network and Partnership Development; (6) Risk Management; (7) Skills Assistance for MSME Owners. The long-term goal is to increase local economic growth and community welfare. Research recommendations include: (1) Wayame Village for MSMEs; (2) Hative Besar Country for plantations and fisheries; (3) Tawiri State for market management; (4) Poka Village for stall/kiosk owners; (5) Negeri Laha for culinary businesses, accommodation and transportation with English language skills. Recommendation: the need for sectoral collaboration from the District Government, Village/State Government, Subdistrict Government, and P3M Ambon State Polytechnic is appropriate so that it can accelerate and guarantee the development of MSME businesses.</p> Ardiansyah Ahmad Nusi Barus Umarella Jessy J. Hahury Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 25 32 MENGAPA BILINGUALISME MELAKUKAN ALIH KODE PADA PESAN ONLINE FACEBOOK? <p style="font-weight: 400;">While the previous studies have focused their investigations related to code switching in spoken expression, this study investigates the code switching in the written context using electronic media communication.&nbsp; This study eagers to know the reasons for a bilingualism namely Dirga (initial name) in using code switching in online Facebook message. This is a qualitative study. The design of this study is a case study. This study uses an individual as a subject. The data is collected by written online chat on Facebook message. The study found that Dirga has four reasons in using code switching such as lack of facility, lack of register, to emphasize a point and habitual experience. Moreover, it was also found the highest frequent of using code switching is because of the habitual experience with the percentage of 56%. Meanwhile the lowest frequent of code switching is lack of facility with the percentage of 4%. Since this study only analyzed a written online chat from one subject the result of this study cannot represent the reasons for general bilingualism to do code switching on online Facebook message. This study hopes to contribute to the insight about the reasons for bilingualism to do code switching on online Facebook message.</p> Puji Astuti Amalia Herdi Syam Maulita Fabiola Bulimasena Luturmas Arditiya Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 33 39 DESAIN MODUL PRAKTIKUM GEOLOGI FISIK BERBASIS PjBL PADA PRODI TEKNIK PRODUKSI MIGAS POLITEKNIK NEGERI AMBON <p style="font-weight: 400;">Physical and dynamic geology practicum is one of the relatively new courses in the Oil and Gas Production Engineering study program, Ambon State Polytechnic, for this reason this research begins by making a Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and continues by testing the validity level of learning tools in the form of modules and RPS. The project-based learning model is a learning model that requires students to be active in the teaching and learning process, the aim is to improve problem solving skills in the Oil and Gas Production Engineering Study Program, Mechanical Engineering Department of Ambon State Polytechnic. This research is a development research with the stages of defining, designing, and developing. The development carried out is a Project Based Learning (PjBL) oriented learning tool. The results showed that the average validity value for the RPS was 0.75 and the module with a validity value with an average value of 0.76. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the RPS and the Project Based Learning-based physical and dynamic geology practicum module for the oil and gas production engineering study program developed are feasible so that they can be used for the learning process.</p> Delvia Rimesye Margie Civitaria Rudi Serang Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 40 46 IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PROJECT BASED LEARNING PADA MATA KULIAH PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN INTELEGENSI <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research has significant relevance for preparing graduates to face changing times and the increasingly dynamic demands of the world of work. The research uses a mixed methods approach. The application of learning using a project based learning model approach has five stages/steps, namely exploration and empathy for issues/problems; formulate the root causes of the selected issues; explore and formulate alternative solutions to the selected issue; create intervention plans for selected issues and implement interventions in the community. The research results obtained are a summary of the R Square correlation model simultaneously (together) between the variables Attitude (X1), Skills (X2), towards the Application of the PBL Model (Y) which contributed 74%. And in the Anova (F) test table, comparing Fcount and Ftable, the results are: Fcount = 130.070&gt; Ftable = 3.10 so that Ho is rejected, so the decision to apply the PBL model is influenced by students' attitudes and skills. Furthermore, in the Coefficient (T) test, the Attitude variable Tcount = 6.047&gt; Ttable = 1.663 so that Ho is rejected and the Skill variable Tcount = 5.204&gt; Ttable = 1.663, so the decision is that there is a significant influence between Attitude and Skills in implementing the PBL Model.</p> Maslan Abdin Sarifudin Latar Jeffrey Payung Langi Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 47 54 PERSEPSI MAHASISWA MENGENAI TANTANGAN LITERASI DIGITAL PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS <p style="font-weight: 400;">The challenge that students have from one generation to the next generation is various. Living in global and advanced technology means that digital literacy is a commonplace. On the other hand, mastering English is still vital for vocational students since it is a language that particularly used in many countries and industries. This research aims on finding about what students perceptions on challenges and necessities in improving the literacy in digital for studying English. There are 50 students invloved in this study and theory from Bawden (2008) about the elements of digital literacy is employed. By taking look at the students experiences and doing data collection from interview all the data were collected to find out what inquires and needs in studying English digitally. The quantitative and qualitative study method are conducted to get the whole result. The results were classified into four categories which are attitudes and perspectives, central competence, underpinnings, and background knowledge. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Nurianti Sitorus Widy Sriyanto Juwairiah Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 55 62 IMPLEMENTASI METODE COST PLUS PRICING: SUATU PENDEKATAN PENENTUAN HARGA JUAL PRODUK <div><span lang="IN">This research aims to determine the precise application of the cost plus pricing method in determining the selling price of products produced by community home businesses in Tawiri Village, Teluk Ambon District, Ambon City. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative. Qualitative approach, because this research collects a number of secondary information or data and analyzes or calculations are carried out related to the concept of determining selling prices for home industry products in Tawiri Village. This analysis is carried out by recommending the preparation of the cost of goods produced which should be expressed in numbers using the full costing method and calculating product selling prices using the cost plus pricing method. The analysis results show that the overall selling price of home industry products is above the selling price determined based on the cost plus pricing method. This condition allows home industry players to gain greater profits, but the accuracy of price determination cannot be achieved. Besides that, setting a high selling price compared to normal conditions will result in a further decline in customer demand and make it difficult to compete with similar products on the market.</span></div> Semy Pesireron Mis Fertyno Situmeang Jancen Roland Patty Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 63 70 ANALISIS BANK PERKREDITAN RAKYAT SEBAGAI SOLUSI KEUANGAN MASYARAKAT DI KABUPATEN LANGKAT <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to analyze People's Credit Banks (BPR) as a community financial solution in Langkat Regency. The subjects in this research were the leadership, accounting department and operations department at BPR in Langkat Regency. The type of research is quantitative research with the data used are financial reports. Data collection techniques are interviews and documentation. Data analysis is CAMEL analysis which is used to assess the level of bank financial health based on capital, quality of productive assets, management, profitability and liquidity. The research results show that the level of bank financial health in terms of capital aspects in 2021, 2022 and 2023 is within healthy criteria. The ratio of classified productive assets to productive assets in 2021, 2022 and 2023 shows that the bank is in healthy criteria, while the Allowance for Losses of Productive Assets Formed in 2021 is included in unhealthy criteria, while in 2022 and 2023 the bank is in healthy criteria. The evaluation of management aspects in general management and risk management in 2021, 2022 and 2023 shows criteria that are unhealthy and quite healthy. The profitability aspect, namely ROA in 2021, 2022 and 2023, shows that the bank is in the healthy category, while BOPO in 2021, 2022 and 2023 is included in the healthy criteria. The liquidity aspect, namely the LDR in 2021, 2022 and 2023, is included in the healthy criteria, while the cash ratio in 2021, 2022 and 2023 is included in the healthy criteria. The growth in the level of financial health of banks at BPR Langkat 2021, 2022 and 2023 shows that the level of financial health is included in the healthy criteria.</p> Meigia Nidya Sari Mustafa Annisa Fajariah Damanik Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 71 78 ANALISIS DETERMINAN EFEKTIVITAS PEMBERIAN KREDIT PERBANKAN PADA KABUPATEN LANGKAT <div><span lang="IN">This research aims to analyze the determinants of the effectiveness of providing bank credit in Langkat Regency. The population used in this research is employees at PT. BRI (Persero) in Langkat Regency. The sampling technique uses saturated samples. The sample size was 30 people. The types of data in this research are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, interviews and documentation studies with data analysis techniques using a quantitative approach with statistical tools of multiple linear regression analysis. The research results show that internal control has a partially insignificant effect on the effectiveness of lending. Internal audit has a partially significant effect on the effectiveness of lending. Internal control and internal audit simultaneously have a significant effect on the effectiveness of lending.</span></div> Meigia Nidya Sari Junawan Annisa Fajariah Damanik Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 79 86 ANALISIS GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PADA BUMN PERBANKAN DI KABUPATEN LANGKAT <p style="font-weight: 400;">The research aims to analyze Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in banking BUMNs in Langkat Regency. The research uses qualitative research methods. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews and documentation methods. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The research results show that internal audit has a role in implementing GCG principles in state-owned banking in Langkat Regency. Obstacles and Obstacles in implementing GCG in state-owned banking in Langkat Regency, namely the reason is that human resources' knowledge and understanding of GCG principles is still lacking. Many human resources have not attended training or seminars. Apart from that, the implementation of the principle of transparency is also hampered by inadequate facilities and infrastructure, such as the unavailability of a website.</p> An Suci Azzahra Mustafa Annisa Fajariah Damanik Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 87 94 ANALISIS TINGKAT KEPUASAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGELOLAAN DANA DESA PADA DESA PEMATANG SERAI <p style="font-weight: 400;">The research aims to analyze the level of community satisfaction in managing village funds in Pematang Serai Village. The research model was carried out using a descriptive approach with data collection techniques carried out by distributing questionnaires, observations and interviews with sources who had been determined using the Slovin formula. The population in the study was 100 people with a selected sample of 80 samples carried out using a purposive sampling approach. Data analysis was carried out using a qualitative descriptive method based on Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Regulation Number 14 of 2017. The results of this research show that the Community Satisfaction Index of Pematang Serai village towards the management of village funds by the Pematang Serai village government produces a level of satisfaction in the "satisfied" category but not yet able to provide maximum satisfaction for the people of Pematang Serai village, because they have not been able to reduce the rate of productive unemployment, have not been able to improve the community's economy, and have not been able to provide major benefits for the economic development of Pematang Serai village and its people.</p> Galih Supraja Junawan Annisa Fajariah Damanik Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 95 102 ANALISIS PENGELOLAAN ASET DESA PADA DESA PEMATANG SERAI KABUPATEN LANGKAT <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to analyze village asset management in Pematang Serai village, Langkat district. The method used in this research is descriptive with qualitative analysis. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, documentation and direct observation methods. The data analysis used is data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Based on the research carried out, the results obtained were that the analysis of village asset management in Pematang Serai Village had not gone well, seen from late administration and utilization, maintenance and administration, as well as the implementation of village asset management had not run optimally as stated in the statutory regulations. invitation and also found obstacles in managing village assets.</p> Galih Supraja Junawan Annisa Fajariah Damanik Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 103 110 ANALISIS AKUNTABILITAS KEUANGAN DESA PEMATANG SERAI KABUPATEN LANGKAT <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to analyze the financial accountability of Pematang Serai village, Langkat Regency. This research uses qualitative research methods. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews and documentation methods. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative data analysis technique. The data analysis components used are data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The results of the research carried out stated that the financial management stages carried out by Pematang Serai Village were running in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.</p> Dito Aditia Darma Nasution Mustafa Annisa Fajariah Damanik Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 111 117 ANALISIS PENERAPAN SISKEUDES DI DESA PEMATANG SERAI <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to analyze the implementation of siskeudes in Pematang Serai village. This research uses qualitative research methods. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews and documentation methods. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative data analysis technique. The data analysis components used are data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The results of the research show that Siskeudes plays an important role in preparing financial reports for Pematang Serai village and Siskeudes makes it very easy for village officials, especially the Secretary and Head of Finance for Pematang Serai Village, to prepare village financial reports.</p> Dito Aditia Darma Nasution Mustafa Annisa Fajariah Damanik Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 118 124 KONSEP PENDIDIKAN DESAIN BERKELANJUTAN (SUSTAINABLE DESIGN EDUCATION) PADA PEMBELAJARAN VOKASI BIDANG FASHION <p style="font-weight: 400;">Indonesian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have education as one of their primary focus areas. By improving the standard of maintenance of industry-based vocational higher education, the graduated students intended to become more productive, competitive, and compatible to meet the demands. Sustainable design education (SDE) is one model that should be considered, particularly in design. Discussion surrounding the significance of sustainability literacy in design educators and designers, so the roles go beyond simple skill development to include problem-solving on various sustainability issues encompassing social, economic, and environmental aspects. This paper aimed to examine the SDE in the context of vocational higher education in fashion design at the undergraduate level using experimental program called "Polimedia Fashion Outsourced R&amp;D" to serve research and development activities as a problem-solving tool for the small and middle enterprises (SMEs) of fashion. This qualitative research used the descriptive analysis method to discuss the implementation concept of SDE via an outsourced R&amp;D project in the internship program in the 7th semester of the Fashion Design Program. SDE learning through the outsourced R&amp;D project helps students understand sustainability issues and design practices in the industry, solving problems by producing designs relevant to the needs of industries and markets.</p> Pingki Indrianti Arrahmah Aprilia Eka Triana Oki Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 125 132 PENGEMBANGAN KETERAMPILAN BAHASA INGGRIS MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS PROYEK: PENDEKATAN KUALITATIF <p style="font-weight: 400;">This study focuses on the enhancement of students English language skills through project-based learning. This is relation to issues in the learning process, the lack of student engagement during classroom learning, as observed at Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif Jakarta campus. The creativity of lecturers and students in creating diverse learning projects throughout each session, provision of rewards, is a unique aspect. The purpose of this study is to determine the progress of English language skills among students after the implementation of project-based learning through the creation of English-language websites or blogs. The research methodology is a qualitative approach using a case study as the method of analysis. The researchers conducted this study in one classroom due to the challenges in English language learning. Therefore, the research informants consist of three students. The data was obtained through active observation of the process of creating blogs or online content by students, interviews, analysis of the generated content. The research findings indicate that project-based English language learning implemented on students is capable of developing English language skills, enhancing technological proficiency, vocabulary, and responsiveness. Emotional factors such as increased courage, motivation, activity, creativity, responsiveness, and enthusiasm.</p> Eka Desy Asgawanti Deddy Stevano H. T Muh. Sakir Rido Galih Alief Haerullah Danuaji Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 133 140 PEMANFAAT MENDELEY DALAM PENULISAN SKRIPSI OLEH MAHASISWA TINGKAT AKHIR JURUSAN ADMINISTRASI NIAGA <p style="font-weight: 400;">Mendeley is a reference manager software that helps scientific writers make accurate citations and references. This study aims to reveal the use of Mendeley as a reference manager in thesis writing by the final-year students of the Commercial Department of the State Polytechnique of Ambon. The study employed a descriptive-qualitative approach, conducting in-depth interviews with key informants. The subjects were final-year students who used Mendeley for their thesis writing. The indicators of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) are used to assess the use of Mendeley by final-year students in the Department of Commercial Administration. These indicators include making the job easier, working more quickly, increasing productivity, improving job performance, and effectiveness. The results indicate that students are able to use Mendeley in citing good citations and references in their thesis writing.</p> Jessy J. Hahury Hindri Febri A. Sari M. Rizkoni Salis Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 141 148 KAJIAN KOMUNIKASI TERTULIS MELALUI PENDEKATAN STRATEGI KESOPANAN DI PEMILIHAN UMUM 2024 <p>Communication is a way used by the people to exchange information in oral or written form. In organizing elections, an effective form of communication is needed and still prioritizes the value of politeness so that the purpose of communication can be well accepted. This study aims to describe the types of written communication strategies between the Committee of General Election and Committee of Election Organizer Group. The method used was qualitative descriptive with purposive random sampling for data collection. The data in the study was in the form of written texts related to communication generated by data sources reviewed from the type of language politeness strategy for data analysis. The results of this study showed that there were two types of communication used by the Committee of General Electioin at the village level in communicating with the Committee of Election Organizer Group, namely positive and negative politeness strategies. These two forms of written communication strategies had an impact on performance achievements among the committees. This research is expected to contribute to the implementation of general elections in order to be able to hold the committee using the right communication strategy and maintain the value of politeness as well to produce a good performance as expected</p> Rikat Eka Prastyawan Imam Mahfudzi Prativi Khilyatul Auliya Lambang Erwanto Suyadjid Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 149 155 PERAN MEDIA SOSIAL TERHADAP PERILAKU BERAGAMA DAN KEBANGSAAN MAHASISWA <div><span lang="EN-US">Social media has become an essential element of existence, including for students, and it influences many facets of human life. This study looks at how social media influences students’ religious and nationalistic behavior. A qualitative technique was used to collect data from students in the Even Semester of Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif. The survey method was used to collect information about religious behavior, nationalism, and social media usage. Active usage of social media is typically related with increased participation in religious and national activities. However, it was shown that excessive usage of social media might have negative consequences, such as limiting time allotted for direct religious activities or moving focus to national activities in a smaller virtual realm. This research broadens our understanding of how social media influences students' identity and conduct in the context of religion and nationalism. The findings of this study emphasize the need of taking a balanced approach to social media usage, highlighting the need for a broader strategy in educating students </span></div> Yayah Nurasiah Andriyana Zainul Hakim Sartika Ekadyasa Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 156 263 PENERAPAN PRINSIP GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE SEBAGAI UPAYA PENCEGAHAN FRAUD PADA PERBANKAN <p style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to analyze that the application of Good Corporate Governance Principles in companies, especially banking, is carried out in an effort to prevent fraud. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a normative legal approach. Primary data collection was carried out through interviews with informants from competent banks and secondary data from journals, articles, and regulatory documents related to fraud issues and Good Corporate Governance principles. The results of the study indicate that fraudulent actions can be reduced by minimizing the factors that drive fraud through the application of GCG principles.</p> Adib Dzaky Pratama Ida Nurhayati Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 164 171 ANALISIS SISTEM PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL ATAS PEMBAYARAN DANA PENSIUN PADA PT ASABRI (Persero) <p style="font-weight: 400;">Internal Control performed by PT ASABRI (Persero), the pension fund manager owned by BUMN, which will concentrate on the pension fund's actual payout. The study makes use of the following five COSO internal control framework components: information and communication, control activities, risk assessment, environmental control, and monitoring activities. PT ASABRI has an appropriate environment for the process of carrying out activities, has a system or application in accordance with activities, carries out both internal and external controls, and monitors and evaluates all activities that have been carried out by each related division, especially pension funds, according to the study's results, which were obtained using qualitative research methods.</p> Kety Lulu Agustin Endang Sri Apriani Nur Vita Opu Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 172 179 TINDAK TUTUR PERLOKUSI KETIDAKSANTUNAN MENGGUNAKAN IMPOLITENESS THEORY DALAM NOVEL KARYA BEN SOHIB <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research is in the field of pragmatic study of speech acts, interpreted in a perlocutionary manner that contains the meaning of impoliteness. Research’s object is a novel titled Rosid and Delia by Ben Sohib with the background of the Betawi Community. Impoliteness refers to the Theory of Impoliteness proposed by Culpeper, and the type of speech refers to the classification made by Austin and Searle about speech acts, namely directive, assertive, expressive, commissive, and declarative, by interpreting them in perlocution way. Data in the form of speech acts of impoliteness were taken by the method of viewing and recording by content analysis. Furthermore, the data obtained is processed and analyzed and explained with a descriptive-qualitative approach. The results of the study found 275 speech or speech acts that indicated impoliteness, most of which were spread into 3 (three) impoliteness strategies, namely positive impoliteness, 24.4%, negative impoliteness, 56.4% and off record impoliteness, 19%. In these strategies, most of them are revealed in the types of directives, assertive, expressive, and commissive speech acts. Research shows that Theory of Impoliteness can be used as a reference to assess impolite acts, with special notes, in interaction activities against the background of Indonesian culture.</p> Yoyok Sabar Waluyo Hata Maulana Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 180 186 ANALISIS PROSES BERPIKIR MAHASISWA JURUSAN TEKNIK ELEKTRO DITINJAU DARI PERBEDAAN GENDER <div><span lang="EN-US">This research aims to describe the thinking process of TRSKM study program students in solving Laplace transform problems in terms of gender differences. This research is a type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The subjects in this study were four participants consisting of two male students and two female students. The reason for selecting these subjects was because they explained well the results of solving problem solving questions during the interview. The data collection techniques used were problem solving tests and interviews. Data analysis techniques refer to the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. From the results of the analysis, data was obtained that the thinking processes of the four subjects, namely two male subjects and two female subjects, had different thought processes in the indicators of the thinking process in solving problems based on the pattern steps. Male gender subjects and female gender subjects have a conceptual thinking process, because they express carefully and in detail in understanding the problem, drawing up a resolution plan, resolving the problem according to plan, and are very careful in overcoming the </span></div> Mey Chyntia Yesaya Marselin Jamlay Sylvia Irene Persulessy Elisabeth Mbitu Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 187 193 DETERMIAN TERHADAP KEMAJUAN TEKNOLOGI DAN KOMPETENSI AKUNTAN DI INDONESIA <p style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of regulation, economic factors, sociocultural dimensions, and innovation on technological development and accountant competence. The research method uses a quantitative approach with the Partial Lesquare (PLS) Model with Warp PLS 8.0 Version, data collected through questionnaires with accounting professionals. The results showed that strict regulations have a positive and significant effect on the development of accounting technology, while economic factors, such as economic growth and inflation, also play an important role. Sociocultural influences technology adoption through cultural norms and values. In addition, innovation is identified as a key driver of technological development and increased accountant competence. The practical imply­cations highlight the need for regulatory awareness and the importance of innovation in enhancing professional capabilities. This study provides a holistic understanding of the factors that influence the development of technology and accountants' competencies, while also providing a basis for practitioners and researchers to take appropriate steps in facing future challenges.</p> La Ode Hasiara Sigit Hartoko L.M. Hasriadi Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 194 201 BAHASA SEBAGAI MEDIATOR PENYAMPAIAN MATERI KULIAH DI JURUSAN AKUNTANSI <p style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this study is to find out the method: 1) lectures have an effect on the ability to speak well and correctly, 2) lectures have a direct effect on understanding course material, 3) lectures have an indirect effect on understanding course material through good and correct language skills. 4) group discussion has an effect on good and correct language skills.5) group discussion has a direct effect on understanding course material. 6) Group discussion method has an indirect effect on understanding course material through good and correct language skills.7) Multimedia presentation method has an effect on good and correct language skills.8) Multimedia presentation method has a direct effect on course material.9) Multi-media presentation method has an indirect effect on under­standing course material through good and correct language skills.10) Collaboration method has an effect on good and correct language skills.11) Collaboration method has a direct effect on under­standing course material.12) Collaboration methods have an indirect effect on understanding course material through good and correct language skills.13) Good and correct language skills have an effect on understanding course material in the Accounting Department.</p> Noor Fachman Tjetje La Ode Hasiara Sigit Hartoko L.M. Hasriadi Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 202 209 THE IMPACT OF E-MARKETING MIX ON MSME SERVICES BASED PRODUCT <p style="font-weight: 400;">The marketing mix is a branch of marketing science that companies can manage to influence consumer behavior. Some of these behaviors include consumer trust, purchase decisions, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intention. The purpose of this research is to analyze and explain the influence of the marketing mix on consumer trust, purchase decisions, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intention. In other words, it seeks to understand the consumer experience from the pre-purchase phase through the purchase decision to post-purchase behavior. The research was conducted at Excellent Translation, a company whose marketing is focused online. This type of research is explanatory, using a questionnaire as the primary data source. Primary data was obtained by sending questionnaires to the e-mails of 145 consumers of Excellent Translation using a random sampling technique. The data analysis used was SmartPLS with a significance level of 0.05. The results of the study indicate that the marketing mix has a significant effect on trust and purchase decisions, then purchase decisions have a significant effect on customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction significantly influences behavioral intention.</p> Rifqi Nur Fakhrurozi Gede Pradiva Adiningrat Nyoman Indah Kusuma Dewi Ida Ayu Putri Widiasuari Riyasa I Nyoman Abdi Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 210 218 PENGEMBANGAN INTEGRATED DIGITAL MARKETING BERBASIS KATALOG BAGI UMKM DISABILITAS DI KOTA DENPASAR <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to develop an integrated digital marketing model based on a catalog for disabled SMEs in Denpasar City. The method used in this research is the ADDIE development technique, which consists of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation by conducting a survey using incidental sampling techniques. The sample consisted of 20 disabled SMEs that met the criteria. The results show that, to date, disabled SMEs have relied on direct visualization from several marketing activities they perform, especially from their sales activities. On the other hand, some of them need assistance in developing forms of product or service promotion that reach a wider market. This research indicates that an integrated digital marketing model based on a catalog is considered effective in increasing the competitiveness of disabled SMEs in Denpasar City. The average score results show that all experts gave excellent ratings, with material experts scoring 4.46 and media experts scoring an average of 4.37. On the evaluation side, disabled SMEs gave a total score of 4.50, which falls into the excellent category. Thus, SMEs can manage product and service data to better align with and attract customer desires.</p> Gede Pradiva Adiningrat Rifqi Nur Fakhrurozi Nyoman Indah Kusuma Dewi Ida Ayu Putri Widiasuari Riyasa I Nyoman Abdi Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 219 226 SISTEM INFORMASI PADA APOTEK SARAYA FARMA BERBASIS MACRO MICROSOFT EXCEL <div><span lang="IN">The primary objective of this study was to develop a Microsoft Excel macro-based information system for Saraya Farma Pharmacy, which previously depended on manual transaction recording. Manual recording of data presented a potential for errors and inefficiencies in data management. The objective of this study was to develop and execute an information system that could enhance the efficacy and productivity of pharmacy operations. The research methodology employed was a synthesis of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data were gathered through observation, interviews, and literature reviews. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD), and Microsoft Excel with macros were among the analysis tools employed. The study findings demonstrated that the implemented information system successfully enhanced the operational effectiveness and efficiency of Saraya Farma Pharmacy. The automation of recording, computing transactions, and generating reporting enhanced efficiency, speed, and precision. Furthermore, this method also contributed </span></div> Umi Zunaidah Deryskha Kezia Meilani Renita Kawuryan Zuhriah Satryawati Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 227 235 ANALISIS SISTEM PENGENDALIAN INTERN TERHADAP PENGELOLAAN KAS PADA B&A LAUNDRY DI KOTA TOMOHON <p style="font-weight: 400;">B&amp;A Laundry is a laundry service business located in Tomohon City, North Sulawesi Province which support people<sup>’</sup>s economic empowerment, cash is the most current asset so cash is easily manipulated and misappropriated, so to secure cash receipts and disbursements an internal cash control system is needed, the research method is using qualitative research. The data collection technique is through interviews with laundry employees and literature studies on material related to cash. Data analysis is carried out using the stages of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the control system internal cash management has not been carried out, such as there is no separation of functions, accounting records have not been carried out regularly and an organizational structure is not yet available The results of this research are recommendations for the Laundry to make improvements in term of cash management.</p> Revleen Kaparang Sientje Alouw Antonius Tandi Hedy Rumambi Fanesa Syaefudin Lusye Kumaat Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 236 241 PENGARUH GREEN LIFESTYLE TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN MAHASISWA POLITEKNIK NEGERI AMBON <div> <p><span lang="EN-US">This study aims to measure the green lifestyle of students at State Polytechnic of Ambon using indicators such as environmental knowledge, attitudes towards the environment, awareness of environmental issues, pro-environmental behavior, and social influence on purchasing decisions. The research problem is: How do the green lifestyle affect students' decisions when purchasing eco-friendly products? This research employs a quantitative approach to measure the green lifestyle among students. The population of this study includes all active students of Ambon State Polytechnic in the even semester of the 2023/2024. A proportional sampling method was used over a specific period with accidental sampling techniques. Data collection for this research was conducted using a questionnaire designed with a Likert Scale. Descriptive analysis was used to describe the respondents and variables, while multiple regression was used to analyze the effects of the independent variables—environmental knowledge (X1), attitudes towards the environment (X2), awareness of environmental issues (X3), pro-environmental behavior (X4), and social influence (X5)—on the dependent variable, which is the decision to purchase eco-friendly products (Y). The results indicate that Pro-environmental Behavior (X4) has the most significant impact on Purchasing Decisions (Y) among students. Meanwhile, other variables did not show a significant impact.</span></p> </div> Saul Ronald Jacob Saleky Deflin tresye Nanulaitta Meghan Selvia Leuhery Swesty Kastanya Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 242 249 KESALAHAN YANG SERING TERJADI DALAM PENELITIAN BETON: FAKTOR PENYEBAB DAN STRATEGI MITIGASI <p style="font-weight: 400;">Concrete research is very important in civil engineering, but it often faces errors that affect the accuracy of the results, especially in the determination of material quantity, data analysis, and evaluation of concrete compressive strength test results. These errors often arise during students' final project guidance and examinations. This study aims to identify these errors and propose mitigation strategies to improve the accuracy and validity of research results. Using a quantitative approach with a questionnaire survey, data were collected on the types of errors and mitigation strategies, and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The validity test results showed that all items were valid with validity values of 0.58-0.88. Meanwhile, the reliability of the questionnaire reached 0.85, indicating a good level of reliability. Common errors in concrete research include discrepancies in material quantity determination, data analysis, and compressive strength test results. To improve the accuracy and validity of research results, standardization of procedures, additional training, and the use of appropriate tools are required. Evaluation and feedback from the implementation of mitigation strategies are also important to ensure the effectiveness of improvements.</p> Firmanilah Kamil M. Hanif Faisal Agung Iswandi Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 10 2 250 256 KAJIAN POTENSI DAN STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN KAWASAN LEITIMUR SELATAN <div><span lang="EN-US">Leitimur Selatan District is one of the sub-districts in Ambon City that needs to be developed because it has great potential. This sub-district has 8 (eight) villages, namely Hutumuri Village, Rutong Village, Leahari Village, Naku Village, Kilang Village, Hukurila Village, Ema Village, and Hatalai Village. Each village has different diversity which, if developed, will increase regional competitiveness. This research aims to identify and analyze potential in the form of strengths and weaknesses for the development of South Leitimur District, identify and analyze external environmental factors in the form of opportunities and threats for the development of South Leitimur District, formulate alternative strategies that should be taken by theAmbon City government in developing the potential of the District South Leitimur. The SWOT analysis succeeded in formulating 8 alternative strategies for developing the potential of South Leitimur District. The results of the AHP analysis show that the first strategy that must be developed is SO1, namely "Development of integrated Community-Based Tourism and strengthening traditional arts, culture, and history.</span></div> Zany Irayati Aunalal Meiske Helena Tangnga Alvian Sapulette Frangky J. Louth August JR Ufie Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 2025-01-17 2025-01-17 10 2 258 265