
  • Muslimin
  • Hasvienda M. Ridlwan
  • Rosidi
  • Bayu Pambudi
  • Dhiya Luqyana


Ejecting, Compression, Molding


Modifying the ejecting system dies mechanism of the compression molding process to facilitate the removal of the product from the mold. The ejection process of compression molding products from natural fiber composite materials often fails due to inappropriate mechanisms such as dies tilt angles and non-standard ejector systems. This tool aims to produce a compact and optimal design of the product ejection mechanism from the cavity without consuming a lot of costs. The method uses generic principles of product development, namely identification of needs, creation and selection of concepts, and analysis of the dies system and components. This research results in a compression molding design equipped with a product ejection system from the mold


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How to Cite

Muslimin, Hasvienda M. Ridlwan, Rosidi, Bayu Pambudi, & Dhiya Luqyana. (2023). MODIFIKASI MEKANISME EJECTING PRODUK PADA DIES COMPRESSION MOLDING . Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 8(1), 17 - 24. Retrieved from