Compressive Strength, Mortar, Geopolymer, MetakaolinAbstract
The use of structural repair materials in Indonesia generally still applies the conventional method, that is by using the Portland cement as the main ingredient in the mixture of repair materials. Therefore, this study investigates the composition and methodology in making geopolymer mixture by using metakaolin as the main ingredient of the mixture. The mixture of 100% metakaolin and 95% metakaolin + 5% cement (hybrid) were used. The mixture proportions and method of making metakaolin geopolymer was evaluated based on the compressive strength values at 3, 7 and 28 days. Based on the results of the study, the composition of the metakaolin geopolymer mixture with the right manufacturing method can produce a higher compressive strength value than normal mortal, especially at an early age so that it has the potential to be used as an alternative material to repair damaged concrete.
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