si pintar charging, renewable energy and mobile phonesAbstract
There are 150.4 million cellular phone users in Indonesia, where the total number of users switch to the use of renewable energy that is able to absorb resources and investment, which is still a serious challenge. The research was conducted by first making a simple prototype of smart charging. Then the research analysis was carried out 3 times for sample trials and the best performance value data were obtained as follows; produces data of 3.3 m/s wind speed, 5 Volt output voltage, 0.022 Ampere output current, and 0.19888 watts of power. In addition, based on the average results, the best performance states that the higher the voltage and current values, the better (Maximum 5 V/5A). The implementation of planning for the use of the smart charging innovation is aimed at the modified part of the motor vehicle's rearview mirror, so that when traveling you can also charge your cellphone. This research can be concluded that the smart charging has been validated and can be used as a battery charger on a cellphone or power bank, although it has not systematically met the current standard target required on mobile devices, namely (Standart 5 A).References
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