
  • Yudi Kurniawan
  • Ida Bagus Dharmawan
  • Wahyu Anhar


Savonius, wind turbine, Auxiliary blades, Wind Speed, Static torque


This research was conducted with the aim of finding the latest Savonius wind turbine design that has high efficiency. By engineering the blade shape, it is expected to increase the positive torque on the concave blade and reduce the negative torque on the convex blade so that it will have an impact on increasing the performance of the Savonius wind turbine which has been considered to have low performance. In addition, adding Auxiliary blades to the root blade can also accelerate the flow of fluid hitting the concave blades on each blade. The method used in this experimental test is to conduct laboratory-scale experimental testing with a wind source from 4 blower fans installed in front of the turbine. In accordance with the characteristics of the Savonius turbine which can work at low wind speeds and in various conditions of wind flow direction. The test results show that the highest rotational speed is obtained on a wind turbine with auxiliary blades design at a wind speed of 5 m/s with a value of 229.6 rpm. This study proves that the configuration of auxiliary blades can increase the average static torque compared to conventional Savonius turbines.


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How to Cite

Yudi Kurniawan, Ida Bagus Dharmawan, & Wahyu Anhar. (2023). STUDI EKSPERIMENTAL KINERJA TURBIN SAVONIUS DENGAN AUXILIARY BLADES . Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 8(1), 98 - 105. Retrieved from