Potential of Micro Hiydro, Electricity power, River Air BesarAbstract
Fakfak Regency, West Papua Province has a watershed and waterfall, one of which is the Air Besar River which has the potential for a Micro Hydro Power (MH P ). With adequate flow elevation differences between upstream and downstream, it is hoped that this local resource can be developed for other potentials, one of which is for Micro Hydro Power (MHP). It is hoped that this Micro Hydro Power (MHP) will not only be able to make use of the energy potential of water but also increase the benefits of its tourism potential. This paper aims to determine the potential of Air Besar River for Micro Hydro Power (MHP). The analysis is carried out on the discharge capacity, the high fall effective flow, and the potential of electrical power that can be generated. The method applied in the river flow analysis is done through the cross section method, the analysis is done through the measurement of river vertical sectional (river profile) and water flow velocity. While power and energy analysis is calculated based on available debit analysis (Q) and high fall effective (Heff) on the longitudinal slice of the river by considering the efficiency of the turbine and generator. The analysis showed that the average discharge of The Air Besar River accounted for 23,826 m3 / sec with high falls effective flow of 4 m and is expected to generate electrical power of 620,8159 kWReferences
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