voltage sent, fluctuations, fault currentAbstract
The fluctuation of the voltage sent in the electric power distribution system sometimes go decrease and increase, also occurs in the Dalung feeder which is serviced from the Kapal Substation. The base on the data of voltage sent on December 2021 to. February 2022 in the Dalung feeder, that are fluctuates from 20.01 kV to 20.98 kV. The problem is how the voltage sent fluctuations affect to the magnitude of the short circuit current that may occur in the Dalung feeder. Data collection uses observation methods, interviews, documentation, and literature studies. Based on the analysis, it was obtained that the magnitude of the voltage sent at which a disturbance occurs is directly proportional to the short-circuit fault current that occurs, if the fault occurs at the same point. This research founded is on the voltage sent at the lowest point on 20.01 kV, the current fault of one phase to ground at the end of the network is also low at only 261,157 Amperes, while on the highest voltage sent up to 20.98 kV, the current fault of one phase to ground at the end of the network also will be increases to 273,817 Amperes
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