
  • Daniel Sutopo Pamungkas
  • Karina Wardani


PID, control, balancing robot


A two-wheeled balancing robot (balancing robot) is a mobile robot that has two wheels on the right and left sides which will not be balanced without a controller. This balancing robot is a development of an inverted pendulum model placed on a wheeled cart. Balancing the balancing of the two-wheeled robot requires a good and reliable control method to maintain the robot's position in a perpendicular position to the earth's surface without the need for other external controllers. Therefore we need a control system to maintain the pendulum’s position. To control the robot, an IMU sensor is used. A PID controller is utilized to control the robot. An IMU sensor is used to detect its tilt of it. The values of KP, KI, and KD are tunning using the trial and error method. The result shows that the PID control algorithm enables to balance of the two wheels robot.


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How to Cite

Daniel Sutopo Pamungkas, & Karina Wardani. (2023). PENGENDALIAN ROBOT RODA DUA DENGAN KENDALI PID. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 8(1), 214 - 222. Retrieved from