
  • Qory Hidayati
  • Danar Retno Sari
  • Abizal Putra Kuswanto


Flood, Geographic Information System, Lora


Flooding, which is essentially a natural process, can be a disaster risk for humans if this phenomenon affects humans and causes loss of life and material. In the natural realm, flooding occurs where it should. Floods can occur in villages or in cities, even in some places flooding has become a common thing. However, flooding has a different impact in each place. In Balikpapan City, flooding is a phenomenon that often occurs when it rains. This disrupts community activities and has an impact on the economic and daily activities of the community. The role of Geographic Information Systems is deemed necessary to be able to help the community to be able to see the state of a road in a flooded state or not. This Geographic Information System does not work alone, it is integrated with flood detection tools and lora as data transmission. This results in a GIS capable of displaying flood heights and road conditions. As well as being able to be integrated with the lora server which is the data transmission between the flood detection tool and the GIS database. The farther the distance between the sender and the receiver, the signal quality will decrease, for example at 10 and 100 meters transmission distances, 10 meters distance produces RSSI -116, while 100 meters produces RSSI -139.


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How to Cite

Qory Hidayati, Danar Retno Sari, & Abizal Putra Kuswanto. (2023). TRACKING BANJIR JALAN RAYA DENGAN LORA WAN SERVER BERBASIS SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 8(1), 302 - 310. Retrieved from