battery, lithium-ion, RPM, voltage, ScooterAbstract
Electric vehicle technology has developed from the past until now, the era of technology 4.0. Electric vehicles have their own advantages such as not vibrating, not emitting pollution, this electric scooter uses a DC electrical system. Li-ion batteries are widely used in various DC power tools.The research method used is an experimental quantitative research method. Analysis of research results is presented in the form of graphs and tables (statistics). RPM data, battery voltage, throttle conditions, battery temperature, load weight, track effect, output reading accuracy, the factors that can determine the accuracy of data measurement. In the temperature comparison test, it was found that the NCA battery was slightly hotter than the MNC type battery test. The heavier the user, the more voltage will be dissipated on the battery and on the NCA battery test, on the MNC type battery test and it will be more difficult to get the highest speed value. The highest speed measurement of the NCA and MNC type batteries uses a hall effect sensor as a determinant of rpm and is converted to km/hour. In speed testing, the heavier the user, the more difficult it will be to get the highest speed value.
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