Precast, flexure, concreteAbstract
Appropriate by innovation of construction method, Research of hybrid beam has producted of flexural strength that is maximum deflection and maximum load. Aim of research is determining of flexural strength to achieve of maximum deflection and maximum loading. Hybrid beam have two elements that are elemen P1and P2. Method of loading has applied refer to ASTM C78-02. Result of this research have data for specimen P1 that is maximum deflection 9,97 mm at maximum load 10.744,4 Kg. Specimen P2 have maximum deflection 8,44 mm at maximum load 10.020,3 Kg. The data from load versus deflection graph have degree of ductility du/dy for hybrid beam P1was 1,83 and P2 was 1,71. Average of ductility of two specimens were 1,77.
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