
  • Narti Prihartini
  • Maya Marselia
  • Milda Surgani Firdania


3D Environment Modeling, Visualization, Teaching Factory, Coffee Industry, Sambas Regency


One of the policies in the scope of vocational education is the implementation of teaching factory (TF) by involving various fields of expertise in education. Some of the institution applied it on the internship in industry, student involvement in production or even take the entrepreneurship as part of activity in teaching factory. The initiation of teaching factory in vocational institution is being implemented in State Polytechnic of Sambas with focus on coffee industry. Several infrastructures are needed to support the process of teaching factory To support infrastructure is needed processing and laboratories for supporting research on industrial products, so that able to increase research based on innovation product output. Several things need to be prepared in despite of visualize the central of coffee industry through the using of 3D Environment Modeling before it is proposed and applied in development to give the insight to stakeholders. The concept of 3D Environment Modeling could be implemented in the context of interior. The method in this reseacrh is using Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) and the result of this research will be delivered in 3D environment modeling animation as the visualization of coffee industry area in MP4 format and being documented.


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How to Cite

Narti Prihartini, Maya Marselia, & Milda Surgani Firdania. (2023). KAJIAN VISUALISASI 3D ENVIRONMENT MODELING SENTRA KOPI BERKONSEP TEACHING FACTORY DI KABUPATEN SAMBAS. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 8(1), 436 - 445. Retrieved from https://proceeding.isas.or.id/index.php/sentrinov/article/view/1193