
  • Rosalia Hadi
  • Gede Hendra Kusuma Ardana
  • Ketut Gus Oka Ciptahadi
  • Gede Herdian Setiawan
  • Pivin Suwirmayanti
  • Desi Saryanti


Virtual Tour, Mengwi Terminal Type A, Rapid Aplication Development (RAD)


Bus terminal types A is the largest terminal in the province of Bali. Mengwi terminal is located outside the border of Denpasar city with Badung regency, which is more precisely on Mengwi Badung. Mengwi terminal serves long-distance transportation routes. Mengwi terminal since October 23, 2017, has required inter-city inter-provincial buses to depart and make the final stop at the Mengwi terminal. Mengwi terminal has been officially managed by the Ministry of Transportation. The result of this research is a virtual tour application that runs on the android operating system which contains several types of material for the introduction of the Mengwi Type A Terminal. Application development using Pano2VR software. Taking pictures Using a 360 camera that produces 360-degree panoramic photos. Tests were carried out using black box testing and questionnaires. Based on the results of black box testing, all button functions in the application can run well on Android-based phones. Then the results of questionnaire testing involving 32 respondents can be concluded that the final results of testing the questionnaire on the application obtained a percentage value of 82%.


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How to Cite

Rosalia Hadi, Gede Hendra Kusuma Ardana, Ketut Gus Oka Ciptahadi, Gede Herdian Setiawan, Pivin Suwirmayanti, & Desi Saryanti. (2023). VIRTUAL TOUR 360 DERAJAT PENGENALAN TERMINAL MENGWI TIPE A. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 8(1), 520 - 527. Retrieved from