Visual effect, PodcastAbstract
Visual effects or commonly referred to as VFX is a computerized process in which images or object models are manipulated which involves the integration of digital effects recordings and special effects from a computer to create a virtual environment. In this modern era, the digital industry is growing more rapidly because it is largely influenced by the visual effects of increasingly diverse technologies. The development of the digital industry is also marked by the proliferation of audio-visual-based podcast media on the YouTube platform. However, the emergence of audio-visual podcast media in the digital industry is still relatively new and there has been no further development regarding the technology and visualization presented. The problem is that the visuals presented in podcast video content are mostly monotonous (repeated displays) so they are boring. In addition, the appearance of the video presented is less informative because it only observes between podcasters and speakers who are talking without visual assistance. Therefore, from these problems, an innovation was created to making visual effects for video podcast content. Through this research, there are five vissual effect has been produced, contain with element effect, chroma keying and hologram effect.It is hoped that it will become an innovation that will be applied in the future in an effort to improve the quality of video podcasts with more modern and interesting variations.
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