academic, non academic, information system, student, achievementAbstract
Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut (Politala) in 2022 will be 13 years old. Various prestigious achievements both academic and non-academic have been achieved. All these achievements cannot be separated from good management by Higher Education Leaders. Achievement is one of the points assessed by assessors during accreditation, both academic and non-academic achievements. The existence of data collection and guidance carried out by the institution will also assist in developing student achievement. So far, the data collection carried out by each study program has not been well documented, and the data collected is at risk of being scattered or even lost. Technological developments in the software sector can be Politala's solution in managing student achievements and talents with web-based applications, to facilitate archiving and data security. The application developed in this study aims to facilitate the field of student affairs in the Study Program by managing data on student interests, talents, and achievements. This will later be accessed by the Deputy for Student Affairs for guidance and the Student Affairs Section of the Study Program to manage documentary evidence for accreditation purposes.
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