Hydroponics, NFT, Nutrition, pH, automatic control systemAbstract
The problem that is still faced by the hydroponic farmer in Indramayu is the process of nutrition and pH control as well as temperature monitoring that are still conducted manually while many related researches have been carried out only in the small scope. This research aims to design and construct the automatic system for water, nutrition, and pH control and temperature monitoring for Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) hydroponics with maximum scale of 100 lettuce plants. The research included the design and construction of aspect of mechanics, irrigation, electronics, and control code. It can be concluded that the constructed system of this research was able to control the minimum volume of water by 200 L, pH and nutrition in the range of 5,5-6,5 and 1100-1300 PPM respectively. The average error of sensor reading was around 2,08 – 3,09%. Furthermore, the planted lettuces were able to grow by 2-4 cm of height and the number of leafs increased by 1-2 during 14 days since rejuvenation process.
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