salt, production, traditional, geoisolatorAbstract
The purpose of this research is to analyze salt production in Bolo sub district. The method that used in this research is descriptive and its data is secondary data. This data is salt production data for Bolo sub district for period 2016 – 2021 then to analyze for annual and montly. There is two method in salt production in Bolo sub district which is traditional method and geoisolator. And the results that the salt production centered in Sanolo, Darussalam and Sondosia village. For annual data, the highest salt production using traditional method located in Sanolo village that is as much as 138.040,18 Ton. The lowest production located in Darussalam village and total production is 20.482,626 Ton. Geoisolator method also show that Sanolo village is the highest salt production and total production is 32.502,6 Ton. the lowest production is 4475 Ton and located in Sondosia village. And in montly data also show the same pattern, which Sanolo village is the highest producer then Darussalam village is the lowest producer for traditional method. However, in geoisolator method, Sanolo village is the highest salt producer but the lowest producer is Sondosia village
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