house, homey, activity, ergonomicsAbstract
Along with the times, it is not uncommon for houses to experience a shift in function to become a place to stop. The density of activities outside the home makes you feel bored and tired to continue activities at home. So that the main function of the house as a place to socialize and foster a sense of kinship between families is reduced. Based on this background, the way of carrying out activities and activities of family members as well as lifestyle causes serious problems, including household harmony, the relationship between parents and children who become distant because they rarely get together, to health problems due to lack of physical and psychological activity. The main goal is to produce this anti-wander house design as a form of ergonomics study to form a more productive, safe, comfortable and effective living environment to gather with family. This study uses a qualitative method by examining residential design through in-depth interviews with residents, mapping human behavior, ergonomics analysis as a reference for residential design. The results of the research, anti-roaming activities / at home stay at home can be accommodated through the application of designs according to the characteristics of the occupants through Cognitive, Pshycomotor, Cardiovascular, Anthropometric and Ergonomic Muscoloskeleton analysis. Prioritizing the efficiency of the comfort of staying at home for a longer time to increase socialization activities among residents of the house, reduce depression levels and maintain health stability.
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