
  • Zulkarnen Mora
  • Makhroji
  • Maulana Rahman


Sociopreneuship, Beneficiaries, business Management, Baitul Mal, Empowerment


Baitul Mal must be able to bridge between the intentions of Muzzaki (as zakat giver) and mustahiq (as zakat recipients). Baitul Mal also has a noble goal, namely to play an active role in reducing the poverty in Aceh Tamiang regency. The social characteristics of the people in this district are still not separated from the chain of poverty so that being independent becomes very difficult. This encourages the community service team to contribute in reorganizing the gap in question through the Sociopreneurship-based Beneficiary Business Management Empowerment in Baitul Mal Aceh Tamiang which was involving 15 beneficiaries. The service method was carried out by applying the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach for beneficiaries who have run a business from capital sources derived from productive ZIS funds. The purpose of this service is also to train behavior in business through business management to be even better so that they are able to change their business patterns than orderly, accountable manner by having a more focused business plan. Therefore, the service team offers several solutions, including: (1) Providing training in making business plans, (2) Teaching personal characters to become strong and committed business actors, (3) Training partners to prepare financial reports for the businesses they run and (4) Connecting partners with sociopreneuship actors


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How to Cite

Zulkarnen Mora, Makhroji, & Maulana Rahman. (2023). SOCIAL PRENEURSHIP: PEMBERDAYAAN MANAJEMEN USAHA PENERIMA MANFAAT BAITUL MAL ACEH TAMIANG. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 8(2), 35 - 46. Retrieved from