Reliability, Ships, Servqual, Validity, Zone of ToleranceAbstract
Ships are part of public transportation that is engaged in the sea sector to move people/goods from one island to another and at the same time as a liaison between the wheels of the economy, especially in the Bali Strait. The crossing using the Ketapang – Gilimanuk route has been operating for a long time and of course has experienced ups and downs in the industry. Servqual is a compact scale selection method but has a fairly high level and correctness. Zone of Tolerance is the area between adequate service and desired service, namely the area where the service variance is still acceptable to customers. The Servqual value and the largest negative gap are found in the X17 attribute with a gap value of -1.14 and in the X27 attribute with a gap value of -1.14. However, of the 30 attributes, 28 are still in the Zone of Tolerance, which means that customers can still receive the quality of service provided by the company. Meanwhile, there are 2 attributes, namely X17 and X26 that must be repaired immediately because they have negative scores and cannot be tolerated by customers.
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