
  • Husnil Barry
  • Syamsurizal
  • Yanita Ella


Cold Chain, Distribution, Quality


Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). In Indonesia, the spread of the Covid-19 virus is growing every day. To reduce the number of Covid-19 cases, it is necessary to hold an intervention, namely vaccination to achieve herd immunity of 70%. To get good vaccine quality, it is necessary to pay attention to aspects of distribution and storage using a cold chain system. This study was conducted to determine the effect of the cold chain system and distribution on the quality of the Covid-19 vaccine. The number of samples was 38 respondents spread throughout the Depok City Health Center. The data collection method used in this study was a questionnaire. The research data were analyzed using PLS-SEM (Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling) with SEM PLS software. The outer model test was conducted, namely validity and reliability testing, and the inner model test, namely the        f-square, q-square, R-square, and hypothesis testingThe total number of instrument items distributed was 54 items that had been declared valid and reliable through validity and reliability tests. The results of this study indicate that the Cold Chain variable directly has a positive effect on quality with a coefficient value of 0.553 and a P-value of 0.000. The R-square value is 0.796 and the F-square value is 0.440, means it has a big influence.


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How to Cite

Husnil Barry, Syamsurizal, & Yanita Ella. (2023). PENGARUH SISTEM COLD CHAIN TERHADAP KUALITAS VAKSIN COVID-19 PADA PUSKESMAS DI WILAYAH DEPOK. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 8(2), 74 - 80. Retrieved from