
  • Simson Melmambessy
  • Evandro Adlof W Manuputty
  • Leonora Ferdinandus


Relationship Marketing, Satisfaction, Trust, Loyalty


The purpose of this research is to test and analyze; the influence of relationship marketing on satisfaction and trust and consumer loyalty, the influence of satisfaction on consumer loyalty, trust on consumer loyalty and the influence of relationship marketing on consumer loyalty through consumer satisfaction and trust in liquid smoked tuna products in Ambon City. The approach in this study is included in quantitative research, the research model is a survey model using a questionnaire instrument for data collection. The sample in this study are consumers of liquid smoked tuna products whose withdrawal uses a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis is done through; research instrument test, normality assumption test and linearity test and hypothesis testing using path analysis. The findings of this study prove that; Relationship marketing has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction, trust and consumer loyalty. 2) Consumer’s satisfaction and trust have a positive and significant effect on consumer loyalty and 3) Relationship marketing has a positive effect on consumer’s loyalty directly or mediated by consumer’s satisfaction and consumer’s trust but is not significant.


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How to Cite

Simson Melmambessy, Evandro Adlof W Manuputty, & Leonora Ferdinandus. (2023). LOYALITAS KONSUMEN BERDASARKAN RELATIONSHIP MARKETING TERHADAP KEPUASAN DAN KEPERCAYAAN KONSUMEN PRODUK TUNA ASAP CAIR . Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 8(2), 153 - 160. Retrieved from https://proceeding.isas.or.id/index.php/sentrinov/article/view/1237