
  • Yani Subaktilah
  • Mulia W. Apriliyanti
  • Mohammad Edwinsyah YP


training, dodol, cassava tape, machine


Yayasan Yatim Piatu and Dhuafa Az Zahra are dedicated to fostering orphans, and caring for abandoned and economically disadvantaged children. The Foundation wants to be able to develop a productive and sustainable business so that it can become an independent source of income. However, the foundation still experiences obstacles in developing its business, namely the limited equipment and skills it has. This service program aimed to optimize the entrepreneurial potential of partners and optimize the utilization of local resources of cassava tape into dodol. The solution offered is to solve the problem by increasing partner empowerment through processing training and motivation to increase the entrepreneurial spirit of partners. The method of implementing this community service activity includes providing motivation, insight, the introduction of dodol processing machine, training on processing cassava dodol tape using machine, and packaging technology. The dodol processing  machine can facilitate the process, reduce the use of human labor, and increase the processing capacity by two times compared to manual processing. This service program can increase insight into the application of technology in food processing and entrepreneurship for Yayasan Yatim Piatu  and Dhuafa Az Zahra Bondowoso.


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How to Cite

Yani Subaktilah, Mulia W. Apriliyanti, & Mohammad Edwinsyah YP. (2023). PELATIHAN PENGOLAHAN DODOL TAPE SINGKONG DENGAN MESIN PENGADUK PADA YAYASAN AZZAHRA BONDOWOSO. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 8(3), 8 - 15. Retrieved from