
  • Dessy Handa Sari
  • Ria Setyawati
  • Ida Suriana
  • Lisnawaty Simatupang
  • Nur Vita Opu


Corn, Brownies, Kube Pandurata


Brownies are snacks that are very popular with the public. Brownies are usually made from wheat flour which is expensive, to reduce dependence on wheat flour it can be replaced with another alternative, namely corn flour, so that the use of corn flour as a substitute for wheat flour can increase the use value and economic value of corn. Indonesia has abundant natural resources in the form of corn, and it is easy to grow, but only a small part of it is used by the community as processed snacks, usually used as vegetables or home cooking, not least Kube Pandurata, even though they have used the garden to grow corn but its use only limited to being sold to supermarkets or used for cooking. In modern life as it is today, many people are starting to realize the importance of healthy living, body condition that is always excellent, so that the body is in top condition, can use corn as a healthy snack. The community needs to get other ingredients that are around us to be used as healthy snacks with the aim of providing guidelines on post-harvest management of corn plants.


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How to Cite

Dessy Handa Sari, Ria Setyawati, Ida Suriana, Lisnawaty Simatupang, & Nur Vita Opu. (2023). PENDAMPINGAN PEMBUATAN BROWNIES JAGUNG DALAM RANGKA MENAMBAH PENGHASILAN KELOMPOK TANI KUBE PANDURATA. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 8(3), 16 - 24. Retrieved from