
  • Sutanto
  • Toto Supriyanto
  • Emmidia Djonaedi


dish soap, pH meter, pH value, potassium hydroxide


The Star Five team is a group of small entrepreneurs who produce dish soap in the RW 05 , Duren Mekar,  Depok. The production process is carried out with limited knowledge and very simple equipment, so that when the pH test was carried out the value was 4.6. According to the SNI 2588–2017 standard, the pH value for dish soap is between 6 to 11. Thus, the dish soap products made by entrepreneurs are not in accordance with the SNI 2588–2017 standard.

The addition of potassium hydroxide into the solution is one way of solving the problem to increase the pH value until near of 7 (neutral condition). The ingredients needed by entrepreneurs to make dish soap are:  texapon 790 grams, EDTA  40 grams, table salt 425 grams, citric acid 25 grams, dye 50 cc, fragrance 40 cc, refill water 15 liters and 30 cc foam booster. All ingredients are mixed according to the correct procedure, then the pH value is measured by pH meter . Based on the results of the study, the optimum weight of potassium hydroxide that must be added to the final product was 20 grams with the achievement of a pH was 7.1.


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How to Cite

Sutanto, Toto Supriyanto, & Emmidia Djonaedi. (2023). PENAMBAHAN KALIUM HIDROKSIDA (KOH) UNTUK MEMPERBAIKI NILAI pH PRODUK SABUN CUCI PIRING. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 8(3), 146 - 152. Retrieved from