Sink, Multimedia, Arduino, Rasberry Pi, IoTAbstract
In facing a new lifestyle adaptation era during the Covid-19 pandemic, the application of various health protocols has its own challenges in the school environment, i.e, in the elementary school students. Lacking of the discipline level and minimum supervision of the implementation of health protocol make it necessary to apply method that can improve the awareness of maintaining the protocols everywhere and everytime. Multimedia-based automatic sink is proposed to assist schools in realizing the disciplines in an educative manner. Aside from being a device for cleaning, the sink is equipped with an automatic temperature gauge and a 19-inch Liquid Cristal Display (LCD) screen as a means of education and reminder for students at the elementary school level. Automation is also applied to water and soap faucets. This study took place in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Al Wahdah, Sleman Regency, Special Distric of Yogyakarta and it could be applied to elementary schools or madrasas in other districts. Based on the test results, the outomatic sinkcan work according to the technical criteria that have been specified. This is indicated by all sensor components, i.e, water, temperature, and motion sensors, as well as multimedia devices and sending monitoring information, that can work well.
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