
  • Abdul Fattah Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang
  • Nursamiah


Rice Husk Ash, Compressive Strength and Bending Hook


Concrete is the result of a mixture of portland cement or other hydraulic cement, fine aggregate such as sand, coarse aggregate such as crushed stone, and water, with or without additives (admixture). One of the wasted waste materials and rarely used is rice husk waste. As we know that the process of making cement produces high enough heat. This heat reduction is done by reducing excessive use of cement. One way is by utilizing rice husk ash. The use of rice husk ash for concrete mixture can be used as an environmentally friendly alternative by utilizing agricultural waste can be seen as an activity that has a positive impact.

 The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of rice husk ash on the compressive strength and bending strength of concrete, and the ratio of compressive strength and bending strength of concrete.

The procedure for conducting research is first carried out characteristics testing on fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. Next, make a mix design f'c 20, and make cylindrical test specimens measuring 10 x 20 cm and beam test specimens with a size of 10 x 10 x 40 cm.

In this study, 3 variants were made, namely first made a concrete mixture with 5% rice husk ash (BASP-5), then BASP-10, and BASP-20. Treatment of specimens by boiling in water (treatment / curing). Next, carry out the process of testing the compressive strength of concrete and the bending strength of concrete blocks. The results of the cylindrical compressive test obtained that the concrete mixture with 5% rice husk ash (BASP-5) can be used, while BASP-10 and BASP-20 cannot be used


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How to Cite

Abdul Fattah, & Nursamiah. (2024). PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN ABU SEKAM PADI TERHADAP KUAT TEKAN DAN KUAT LENTUR BETON. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(1), 433 - 439. Retrieved from