Hybrid, PLN, PLTS, DC loadAbstract
The use of electrical energy from PLTS to supply loads can be done in 2 ways, namely with a Direct Current (DC) system and an Alternating Current (AC) system. To use PLTS with an AC system, an inverter is needed which functions to change the DC source to AC so that there is a loss of electrical energy on the inverter side of around 30% if the inverter efficiency is 70%. Therefore, this research designs PLTS by installing it on a load with a DC system to supply DC lights to reduce the use of AC lights supplied from PLN sources. To supply amplifiers and some AC lights are still supplied from PLN sources. This research was implemented at the Uwais Al Qarni Mosque, Sudiang Makassar. For a 50 W DC lamp load, 6 units are adjusted to prayer times, namely 18.00 – 20.00 and 04.00 – 06.00. PLTS design by calculating the load power, duration of use so that the total electrical energy is known to determine the capacity of the electrical energy storage battery, the size of the controller capacity and the capacity of the solar panels required. The total electrical energy required is 1200 WH so a PV panel capacity of 4 x 100 WP 12 V arranged in parallel is required, a controller capacity of 30 A 12 V and a battery capacity of 4 x 100 Ah 12 V arranged in parallelReferences
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