Building information modeling (BIM), modeling, material volume, comparison, cost budgetAbstract
The application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been widely used by people and large companies in the construction industry sector. The emergence of BIM as a solution in the field of construction industry to face the era of industrial revolution 4.0 which has been characterized by the development of information technology utilization to achieve high efficiency and better quality products. This research aims to apply the 3D-5D BIM concept which models the building structure to analyze the volume of materials and make a cost budget plan based on volume analysis, the building used as an object is the Integrated Lecture Building of Politeknik Negeri Manado consisting of 7 floors and divided into lecture rooms, theaters, libraries, administration. The research method used is the application or implementation of BIM through Tekla Structrure software combined with Ms. Excel in analyzing calculations. The results of the study found that structural modeling in the form of 3D design is very helpful for the initial planning stage of a project because it can see the real shape of the building itself, the volume of material based on the analysis obtained 3,816.26 m3 for concrete and reinforcement obtained 619,750.18 kg, the cost budget plan based on material volume data obtained Rp23,320,042,705.96.-, while the comparison of volume calculations between BIM and conventional methods obtained a difference of 0% in concrete volume and 2.45% in the volume of reinforcement.
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