Early Warning System, Economic Fundamental Factors, Corporate Finance Fundamental Factors, Corporate Bankruptcy ModelAbstract
This research examines the problem of the weakness of the corporate bankruptcy prediction model that has been developed by previous researchers. Therefore, the objectives to be achieved in this study are to find factors that have good discriminating power, to build a prediction model of corporate bankruptcy risk based on economic fundamentals and corporate financial fundamentals as an early warning system. This research is a quantitative research with verificative and explanatory research that tests and explains the existence of macroeconomic fundamental risk factors and corporate financial fundamental factors on the risk of corporate bankruptcy. The research method used is Logistic Regression Analysis through Discriminant Analysis. This study produces two main findings, namely: (1) There are two macroeconomic fundamental factors and nine corporate financial fundamental factors as corporate bankruptcy risk factors that have strong discriminating power; and (2) A comprehensive corporate bankruptcy risk prediction model is formed based on 11 factors that can be used as an early warning system in order to anticipate the risk of corporate bankruptcy.
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