
  • Yulinda Tarigan Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Alrido Martha Devano
  • Ezra Limbong


Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), Inventory Control, Reorder Point, Safety Stock


This research was conducted to determine the exact number of orders in each purchase of merchandise so that there are no excess or shortage of goods, with more efficient inventory costs. This study uses the economic order quantity (EOQ) method to analyze inventory control of cement, iron, sand, faucets and sinks between use of company policies and EOQ. The analysis of the EOQ calculation is continued with an analysis of safety stock (SS), total inventory cost (TIC) and re-order point (ROP) so that the optimal inventory for the company is known. The results of the EOQ calculation use data for 2022. From the results of calculations carried out by comparing the company's current inventory management with the EOQ method, it can be concluded that the use of the results of the EOQ method is more efficient. This can be seen from the number of cement purchases of 17,967 with a frequency of purchasing goods twice a year, inventory of 31,841,768, safety stock of 146  and ROP 3,140. The total supply of sand is 4,355 with a frequency of purchasing goods twice a year providing 31,402,102 , safety stock 16, ROP 742. Total purchases of iron 15,555  with a frequency of buying goods twice a year, saving 37,653,168, safety stock 108 , ROP 2,700. The number of faucet purchases was 17,470 with a frequency of purchasing goods twice a year, savings of 11,771,139, safety stock of 90 and ROP of 3,000. Washbasin purchase amount as much 6,510 units with a frequency of purchasing goods twice a year, inventory of 4,388,763 units, safety stock of 116 units and ROP of 1,200 units.


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How to Cite

Yulinda Tarigan, Alrido Martha Devano, & Ezra Limbong. (2024). ANALISIS PENGENDALIAN PERSEDIAAN BARANG DAGANG DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE EOQ (ECONOMIC ORDER QUANTITY) . Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(2), 290 - 296. Retrieved from