word, translation, game, technical, termAbstract
This research is aimed at finding out the using of word translation game in increasing vocabulary of Civil Engineering technical terms. It is conducted at the third semester of Civil Engineering students’ department, study program Diploma 3 Building Construction Engineering Study Program of State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang (PNUP Makassar). In this study, the researchers used the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method. The CAR procedure used in this research is Kurt Lewin’s design. It consists of two cycles in which each cycle contains four phases; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. There were 20 students which were taken randomly from 2 classes A and B. The technique of collecting data in this research used qualitative data (experience-based) and quantitative data (number-based). The result of the research showed that for the first cycle after the students were given the materials of the Civil Engineering technical terms for 4 meetings, the result of the test was getting improved to mean score as 68,5. There were 13 students got the KKM score equal or above 75. For the post test, there were only two students got the score under 75. The mean score was 77,5. This was meant that word translation game could affect the increasing of students ability in mastering the meaning of vocabulary of the civil engineering technical termsReferences
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