identification of student behavior towards lecturersAbstract
The current reality is that some students forget their obligations as students. They lose inspiration and purpose as students. The aim of this research is to identify student behavior towards lecturers at Polimdo, especially in the accounting department. The research method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques use observation and interview techniques. Data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusions and suggestions. The results of the research show that many students majoring in accounting at Polimdo respect lecturers, both compulsory course lecturers and general course lecturers. Respect for lecturers has many advantages over not respecting lecturers. Students always try to be better, and feel accustomed to responding to differences well, being polite to lecturers, and respecting them when lecturers are teaching, interacting or meeting on the street, etcReferences
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