
  • Viving Frendiana Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
  • Dandun Widhiantoro
  • Fitri Elvira Ananda
  • Agus Wagyana
  • Mohamad Fathurahman
  • Asri Wulandari
  • Zulhelman
  • Budi Utami


kampung setaman, website


This community service activity is aimed at helping the people of Kampung Setaman Tourism Village in Cipayung Depok to promote their village more broadly through the website. The people of Kampung Setaman have implemented a variety of creative and innovative programs, one of which is the payment of Land and Building Tax (PBB) with waste. Unfortunately, information regarding how the people of Kampung Setaman manage their village can only be obtained through in-person visits and is not yet available online. Therefore, the creation of the Kampung Setaman Tourism Village website is expected to facilitate the Kampung Setaman community in sharing information with the wider community regarding innovative programs in Kampung Setaman. The creation of the website began with a needs analysis carried out through observations and discussions with the Kampung Setaman management. After knowing the needs and limitations of the website to be made, interface design is carried out using HTML, CSS, and PHP, as well as database development using MySQL. In addition, the collection and creation of website content in the form of photos, videos, and writings contains information related to creative and innovative programs carried out by the Kampung Setaman community to be uploaded on the website. Finally, website testing is carried out to ensure the website functions as it should.


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How to Cite

Viving Frendiana, Dandun Widhiantoro, Fitri Elvira Ananda, Agus Wagyana, Mohamad Fathurahman, Asri Wulandari, Zulhelman, & Budi Utami. (2024). RANCANG BANGUN WEBSITE DESA WISATA KAMPUNG SETAMAN CIPAYUNG DEPOK. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(3), 91 - 101. Retrieved from https://proceeding.isas.or.id/index.php/sentrinov/article/view/1456