Human Resources, Manajerial trainingAbstract
BUMDes Barakka' Tapporang has been established since 2017 and has several business units, but the existing business units have not fully utilized the potential of natural resources in the village. This is caused by the limited knowledge and skills possessed by human resources in managing BUMDes, both operationally and managerially by the Barakka Tapporang BUMDes apparatus. This Community Partnership Program was implemented as one of the solutions offered to managers to overcome these problems. This program aims to improve the performance of BUMDes by utilizing the potential of natural resources and human resources owned by BUMDes Barakka. This program is carried out in the form of training on BUMDes Business Management, Financial Management, Preparation of BUMDes Financial Reports, Analysis of BUMDes Financial Reports, and Computer Operation using a combination of methods in the form of interviews, lectures, discussions, exercises and continued with supervision and mentoring. Feedback evaluation conducted on 17 participants with questions covering: training materials, resource persons, as well as facilities and consumption showed an average level of participant satisfaction of 80%.
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Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No. 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa.