
  • Rahmiah Sjafruddin Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang
  • Afrianti S.Lamuru
  • Mahirullah
  • Pebrianto Aris N
  • Juliati
  • Mutia Latifa
  • Fausiah hasan


wastewater, tofu industry, liquid fertilizer, edible film


The process of processing soybeans into tofu requires very high water (1: 10 kg/liter) which indicates the high wastewater produced. Wastewater produced with parameters, COD, BOD, TSS, and pH exceeds the permissible quality standards causing liquid waste to be very easily degraded producing gases and foul odors. In addition, industry players know that at work they are not aware of the importance of using work safety equipment (k3).  This phenomenon is the focus of service activities to educate about the importance of K3 and education on wastewater treatment into products that provide economic value in the form of liquid fertilizer and edible film for tofu industry players. Service activities are carried out for tofu craftsmen in the Karang Anyar sub-district, Maajang district, Makassar City. The method is carried out through a discussion, counseling, and training approach followed by demonstrations. Service activities resulted in the availability of K3 tools in the form of work clothes, safety shoes, hand shirts, and tofu filters that are safe for products. Service activities also have implications for increasing insight, knowledge, and skills for industrial business actors to be able to process tofu wastewater into products in the form of liquid fertilizers and edible films


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How to Cite

Rahmiah Sjafruddin, Afrianti S.Lamuru, Mahirullah, Pebrianto Aris N, Juliati, Mutia Latifa, & Fausiah hasan. (2024). KEGIATAN PENGABDIAN BAGI PENGRAJIN TAHU DI KARANG ANYAR, KECAMATAN MAMAJANG, KOTA MAKASSAR. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(3), 264 - 271. Retrieved from