
  • Purwono Prasetyawan Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Muhammad Rizqi Rahmatullah
  • Raizummi Fil’aini
  • Ilham Firman Ashari


umisting systems, productivity, mushroom kumbung, internet of things


Interesting in oyster mushrooms is very high, while the productivity of oyster mushroom farmers in South Lampung is not yet sufficient for market needs. Oyster mushroom kumbung is a home for caring for mushrooms, so that the mushrooms develop optimally, the temperature and humidity of the kumbung must always be maintained or controlled. Control of kumbung by an independent youth group, Kepung Seto South Lampung, is still carried out traditionally. This is considered to be ineffective if there are many kumbungs spread out and far from home. The urgency of presenting a kumbung system that can control room temperature and humidity automatically, and is not affected by external weather, is highly expected. his service applies automatic misting system technology with a digital timer or thermo hygrostat and applies Internet of Things technology with a DHT-22 sensor module to optimize mushroom productivity in kumbung. The stages of implementing community service or empowerment use a Sequential approach with stages of prototyping system development. The results obtained from this service are that the productivity of the mushroom house has increased by 12.5% and can help partners reduce labor costs.


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How to Cite

Purwono Prasetyawan, Muhammad Rizqi Rahmatullah, Raizummi Fil’aini, & Ilham Firman Ashari. (2024). SISTEM PENGKABUTAN OTOMATIS UNTUK OPTIMALISASI PRODUKTIVITAS KUMBUNG JAMUR KEPUNG SETO. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(3), 342 - 350. Retrieved from