
  • Sahbuddin A.Kadir Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang
  • Asma Amaliah
  • Ahmad Zubair
  • Airin Dewi Utami


Robot, Avoider, Community Service, Workshop, Mikrokontroller


PKM Robotics For Students And Teachers Of Smk Negeri 1 Pangkep was implemented on Tuesday, August 1st 2023 at the Hall of SMK Negeri 1 Pangkep. The aims of community service are to provide the knowledge of teachers and students in robotics. Participant of this workshop was consist of 5 teachers and 30 students from Software Engineering Department. All participant was divided into 5 groups, each group was given an avoider robot module. The one-day workshop presented the procedure to make an avoiders robots. Workshop speaker from PNUP was explaining and guiding the participants directly to assemble an avoider robot, starting from designing using software. There is 5 students of Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang took part in this workshop. Each student is assigned to accompany and help each group. At the end of the session, PKM team handed over 5 avoider robots that had been assembled by participants. The results of this activity based on data from the questionnaire that was distributed after the training were that all participants were very interested in this activity and hoped that PNUP could again hold training at SMKN 1 Pangkep.


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How to Cite

Sahbuddin A.Kadir, Asma Amaliah, Ahmad Zubair, & Airin Dewi Utami. (2024). PKM ROBOTIK UNTUK SISWA DAN GURU SMK NEGERI 1 PANGKEP. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(3), 351 - 358. Retrieved from