
  • Muas M Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang
  • Muh Rusdi
  • Trisbernheiser
  • Jeremiah Ritto
  • Syaharuddin Rasyid
  • Fatur Rahman Al Ghozi
  • Muh Syahrul MS


water pump, Ma’minasata Farmers, Galesong


This article discusses the application of water pumps for rice fields in the Ma'minasata farmer group, Galesong Village, Takalar. The implementation stage includes; a). Providing a water pump machine, b). Creating extension modules, and c). Provide counseling and assistance, and d). Conduct evaluation. On Sunday, July 22 2023, outreach activities were carried out on the use and maintenance of water pumps. The conclusion of this service activity is; 1). This counseling has succeeded in increasing the understanding and ability of the counseling participants in using and maintaining water pumps. Thus, it is hoped that the use of this machine will help farmer group members increase efficiency in the agricultural process and produce more optimal harvests, 2). Through question and answer sessions and discussions, extension participants have actively participated in sharing experiences and getting answers to their questions regarding the use of agricultural machinery, 3). Handing over one unit of water pump machine to a farmer group is a positive step which is expected to make a significant contribution to increasing their agricultural productivity, and 4). The importance of community service in improving the quality of agriculture and the welfare of local communities, and underscores the role that extension services like this play in achieving these goals.


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How to Cite

Muas M, Muh Rusdi, Trisbernheiser, Jeremiah Ritto, Syaharuddin Rasyid, Fatur Rahman Al Ghozi, & Muh Syahrul MS. (2024). PENERAPAN MESIN POMPA AIR PADA KEMOMPOK TANI MA’MINASATA GALESONG. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(3), 517 - 524. Retrieved from