Digital Marketing, Daya Commerce Market, Traditional TradersAbstract
The traditional trader group at Pasar Daya in Makassar City has become a partner of Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM). It is one of the traditional markets that serves as the economic center for most of the Makassar City community, especially in the Biringkanaya and Tamalanrea areas. It's no wonder that the Daya Niaga Market is one of the largest markets in Makassar. The Daya Niaga Market provides various daily necessities such as groceries, spices, vegetables, fruits, fish and meat, as well as household supplies. The current partners already have a web-based digital marketing platform, namely the website. However, currently, many business operators are registered but have never used it to sell the marketed products. Given this issue, the group of traders at the Daya Market needs to be provided with knowledge and skills in utilizing and managing digital platforms to implement effective digital marketing strategies. The implementation method consists of five stages, including partner issue discussions, providing digital marketing materials, training on the use of digital marketing applications/websites, evaluation, and output completion. The results obtained include the understanding of the traditional market trader groups at the Daya Market regarding digital marketing and the procedures for using applications for the implementation of digital marketing, which can make traditional market traders more competitive in the current era of information technology.
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