Tourism Village, Community Empowerment, BUMDES, POKDARWISAbstract
Bangun Rejo Village is improving itself and preparing everything towards an Agrotourism Village based on community agriculture and the creative economy. There are two large groups that participate in every activity in the village, namely Pokdarwis Mentari Bangun Rejo Village. However, these two organizations are facing an unfavorable situation in terms of organizational governance, community empowerment and tourism activities. Therefore, based on initial studies with the two partners and accompanied by the Bangun Rejo Village Government, this proposal offers several alternative solutions to solve the priority problems faced by the two partners. Holistically, this proposal has also designed a breakdown or derivative of each solution offered, namely the parties that must be involved, the service roadmap, an overview of the technology that will be applied, the design that will be implemented, work procedures, the importance of partner participation during the service program, and evaluation and sustainability of service programs after they are implemented. Thus, optimizing Bangun Rejo Village with a community empowerment approach based on agriculture and the creative economy can be realized with the synergy of all stakeholdersReferences
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