
  • Mawardi Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang
  • Dian Pane
  • Syahriah Sari
  • Syamsuddin


Management, production, marketing, sustainability, digital technology


Some of the problems identified include: production is still carried out traditionally, palm sugar partner business management is still limited, especially in terms of financial management, marketing and use of technology.  Marketing of partner palm sugar is still limited, especially in terms of market access and product promotion. Palm sugar partner business management is still limited, especially in terms of financial management , marketing, and use of technology The target of community service by Developing a Digital-Based Sustainable Palm Sugar Business and Marketing Model in Sewo Village, Soppeng Regency, namely increasing the skills and knowledge of the community in producing traditional and modern palm sugar with the help of digital technology, increasing access of the Sewo Village community to digital technology and utilizing it in production, marketing and business management activities, developing a digital-based sustainable palm sugar business and marketing model that can increase the competitiveness of local products and open up wider market opportunities.  Implementation method of PKM,can be completed through several approach methods, namely: participatory approach, observation and interviews: problem solving approach: application of technology monitoring and evaluation approach. The results obtained in this PKM are an increase in partners' knowledge in business management and understanding of the importance of sustainability aspects in production and the use of digital technology in marketing palm sugar.


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How to Cite

Mawardi, Dian Pane, Syahriah Sari, & Syamsuddin. (2024). PENGEMBANGAN MODEL BISNIS DAN PEMASARAN GULA AREN BERKELANJUTAN BERBASIS DIGITAL DI SEWO, SOPPENG. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(3), 550 - 558. Retrieved from