
  • Ricky Ferdianto Politeknik Negeri Samarinda
  • Narita Amalia Putri
  • Misva Probo ingga
  • Reni Jumarni
  • Muhammad Fauzan


Ketupat Village, Tourism, Development, Waste, Lighting


Kampung Ketupat Warna Warni Samarinda, located in Kelurahan Mesjid Samarinda Seberang, is a community-based tourist destination in Samarinda City. Managed by the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis), Kampung Ketupat provides accommodation and manages facilities in the area. Each village here has a unique theme that is attractive to visitors. In Kampung Ketupat Samarinda, visitors can witness the process of making ketupat while enjoying views of the settlements over the Mahakam River. This destination was inaugurated on August 11, 2017 and since then it has attracted the attention of many tourists. However, there are several problems in the development of tourist objects, especially related to inadequate facilities. Some of the problems identified were garbage around the Mahakam River, lack of lighting in the village, and lack of sufficient trash cans. The proposed solution involves recycling waste wood and nipa palm leaves to make pendant lamp crafts and trash cans. In addition, the lighting in Kampung Ketupat will be updated with solar panel technology. To overcome the waste problem, bins made from nipa waste will be provided regularly in the village. These efforts will enhance the tourist experience and preserve the environment of this unique village.


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How to Cite

Ricky Ferdianto, Narita Amalia Putri, Misva Probo ingga, Reni Jumarni, & Muhammad Fauzan. (2024). STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN KAMPUNG WISATA KETUPAT MELALUI PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH KAYU. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(3), 603 - 611. Retrieved from