
  • Muhlis Ruslan Universitas Bosowa
  • Firman Menne
  • Erni Indrawati
  • Hamsiah


seaweed nursery, training, entrepreneurship, accounting, sustainable economy


The regional empowerment program creates community independence and prosperity through collaboration with partners, the district government and universities. The Regional Development Program implemented in Tasiwalie Village and Maritengngae Village has great potential to be implemented because in reality farmer groups have not yet contributed to improving welfare. The subjects of this service are 2 farmer groups, namely the Cottoni Farmer Group and At-Tauhid. The methods used in this service are survey, workshops or direct practice and evaluation of success. The aim of this service is to provide insight to farmer groups regarding methods of planting grass seeds, maintenance methods, and entrepreneurial insight and accounting-based bookkeeping methods.

The results of this service show that the long line method used is very appropriate to be implemented in creating a seaweed nursery with a size of 50 x 20 meters and is able to accommodate 3 tons of seeds for planting. Carrying out workshops and seminars on entrepreneurship and standard accounting bookkeeping methods provides benefits, insight and motivation for farmer groups. In another aspect, the provision of seaweed seed gardens using planting and maintenance methods can meet the needs of farmer groups and the income of farmer groups can increase. Apart from being able to meet the needs of farmer groups, farmer groups can sell to other seaweed farmers, so that farmer groups can be economically independent. and sustainable.


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How to Cite

Muhlis Ruslan, Firman Menne, Erni Indrawati, & Hamsiah. (2024). USAHA KEBUN BIBI RUMPUT LAUT DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS DAN PENDAPATAN BERKELANJUTAN KELOMPOK TANI . Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(3), 622 - 631. Retrieved from