
  • Yuniarti PNUP
  • Umar Katu
  • Yedi George YL
  • Emmyah


AC motor, stirrer


This activity aims to enhance the capacity, efficiency, and effectiveness of egg frying in the Hadriah business group. The specific target is to enable this device to replace human labor in the lengthy egg-frying process. The main issue faced by the partner is the extended duration of the frying process, which can take up to 3-4 hours, during which the partner must continuously stir it.

Based on this, the proposer provides a solution by utilizing a low-power AC motor to replace human labor in the stirring process, with adjustable stirring speed. The program's implementation method comprises planning, execution, and evaluation. The planning phase involves determining the egg-frying system and capacity, as well as specifying and controlling the motor speed. The implementation phase includes the fabrication of the egg-frying device, equipment delivery, and a demonstration of device usage. The evaluation phase assesses the performance of the egg-frying device and the output of an academic article. The program yields two outputs: the egg-frying/stirring device and a scholarly article to be published in proceedings or a scientific journal, as well as an article in the mass media.

The planning, implementation, and evaluation stages have been completed. A device that can replace human labor in the egg-stirring process has been produced. This device has been handed over to the partner and has been put to use. Based on the observations made, the production time has become significantly shorter, and the quality of the product/maturity level is more uniform compared to the manual method


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Hamdani, H., Idris, A. R., & Rahmat, N. (2018). Pengontrolan Kecepatan Motor Induksi Tiga Fasa Via Wireless Berbasis Scada Vijeo Citect. Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SNP2M).

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How to Cite

Yuniarti, Umar Katu, Yedi George YL, & Emmyah. (2024). ALAT PENGADUK KACANG TELUR OTOMATIS. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(3), 656 - 664. Retrieved from